Adam Smith

By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. /

Cik patiesa un reizē aizmirsta doma!

Sanāk tā, ka tieši egoisms ir visu problēmu atrisinājums, atšķirībā no Thomas Hobbes: is extremely unlikely that human beings will live in security and peaceful cooperation without government.. His most basic argument is threefold..
 (i) He thinks we will compete, violently compete, to secure the basic necessities of life and perhaps to make other material gains. 
(ii) He argues that we will challenge others and fight out of fear (“diffidence”), so as to ensure our personal safety.
 (iii) And he believes that we will seek reputation (“glory”), both for its own sake and for its protective effects (for example, so that others will be afraid to challenge us). /

Bet jautājums par to, cik laba vai slikta ir cilvēka daba un cik lielā mērā tā ir jāmanipulē, lai mēs nenogalinātu viens otru, nav jautājums, ko vēlos studēt iepriekš publicētā temata ietvaros.

Mana interese vairāk ir par cilvēka izpratni par pasaules uzbūvi, par pamatvērtībām kā tādām, un šīs izpratnes saistību ar politisko iekārtu, reliģisko izpratni utt.

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